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11-09-13 13:50
ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ Pitcher 32
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An eyeful a day keeps the doctor away—
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Staring at women's breasts is good for men's health and makes them live longer, a new survey reveals.
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Researchers have discovered that a 10-minute ogle at women's breasts is as healthy as half-an-hour in the gym.
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A five-year study of 200 men found that those who enjoyed a longing look at busty beauties had lower blood pressure,
less heart disease and slower pulse rates compared to those who did not get their daily eyeful.
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Dr. Karen Weatherby, who carried out the German study, wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine: 
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"Just 10 minutes of staring at the charms of a well endowed female is roughly equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics workout.
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"Sexual excitement gets the heart pumping and improves blood circulation. 
There is no question that gazing at breasts makes men healthier.
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"Our study indicates that engaging in this activity a few minutes daily cuts the risk of a stroke and heart attack in half."
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We believe that by doing so consistently, the average man can extend his life four to five years."
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